Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Camera

So, all of 2011 was shot with my CoolPix Nikon.  These first 10 pictures were shot with my new camera, the Canon Rebel T3.  I hope to learn a lot with this camera. 

What do you think of the new pictures?

10: Pariscope Down

9: Cold Day

8: Meet and Greet

7: The Forest Reflected

6: Flee Together

5: Friend or Foe?

4: Hidden

3: Those Puppy Dog Eyes

2: Crushed

1: Watch Snail

The Beginning!

So, they say that every end leads to a new beginning.  I finished my year in photos, but one of the more beautiful aspects to life is it can always be improved upon.  So, I will continue my journey in photos.  I won't try to promise this time that they'll all be from their given day, but I will try to weed out more of the...blander pictures. 

Here's to a year of improvements!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The End!

So, I made it through the year, though I neglected this blog.  I cannot claim that each day actually corresponds with the day I took the photo.  Especially after I returned to the States, I had a difficult time motivating.  I usually tried to get a photo I at least could have taken on the date I claimed for it.  Though, there are times, such as around Thanksgiving, when I just took a lot of photos on one day to cover up a "bald spot" in my year of photos.

I found that the quality of my photos was often linked to how I was feeling.  Looking back over my year, through these pictures, I can see, based on how much effort and inspiration is in a given photo, how I was feeling.  There are spells when all my photos are lacking, and spells when photos seemed to fall into place for me.  These usually correlate to what was going on in my life.

I decided that even when I fell behind in my photo taking, not to give up on the project as a whole.  I'm not sure how much my photography improved during the year, but I now notice things that I didn't before.  I still need to read up on photography more and experiment with my photography more, but the first step is complete: I didn't give it up.

365: Woven

364: Waiting

363: There's a Squirrel on the Screen

362: Lined Up

361: Kennels of Hope

160: Arrangement

359: Merry Christmas!

358: Dule it Out

357: Bar Tricks

356: Tourist Attraction

355: Colonial Wreath

354: No Timidity

353: Train in the Distance

352: Travel On

351: Petersburg

350: Burn the Semester Away

349: Laid Flat

348: Left Behind

347: Skimino Creek

346: A Way Out

345: Protective Mother

244: Christmas Farm

243: Oddly Shaped

242: Out of Place

341: The Front Line

340: Harmless

339: Trek Through the Muck

338: Berries

337: Walking on Water

336: Farm Shed

335: To Be Shot

334: Solo Cactus

333: Hearty Meal

332: Something Missing

331: Around the Corner

230: Hide and Seek

329: Happy Thanksgiving!